2022 Greater Cincinnati Chapter Knight of the Year
William Rieckelman Memorial Award
Worthy Grand Knight:
This is the first page required for the nomination of a member in good standing for the honor of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter Knight of the Year for the year 2022: the William Rieckelman Memorial Award. On this page, please provide the following information concerning the nominee and the nominator. Then complete the following page(s) providing as much information as possible about the nominee. In order to ensure impartiality, please do not mention the name of the nominee anywhere on the second page(s). Listing of Previous Winners
Forms should be mailed to the below address(122 Vernon Drive Crestview Hills, KY 41017) to be received no later than January 4, 2023.
All entrees will be judged by a committee of past award winners as soon as possible after January 4, 2023. The Award will be presented February 1, 2023 at the Chapter meeting at the Athenaeum. Please be certain that your nominee is in attendance that night.
SK Eugene B. Cordier – Chairman 859-581-1031
Please respond no later than January 4, 2023.
Mail to: SK Eugene B. Cordier, 122 Vernon Drive Crestview Hills, KY 41017
Word Doc:
Rieckelman Instructions or
Rieckelman Instructions